Gates of Gog Guide

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Introduction to the Gates of Gog

To unlock the Gates of GoG, you need to reach Stage 500 in Adventure. This will not be of utter importance to you until then. GoG is a seperate game mode from seasons, adventure, and time challenges. It's a lot like Time Challenges, but with lots of additional features that help boost adventure mode.

This guide will: help familiarize you with GoG mechanics, the best general strategies, show you how to beat challenging gates, and introduce the Almost a GoG Calculator which will help guide you through the whole experience with various playstyles.

The Basics

There are a few important things you will need to know for this guide to make sense, let's review them first:

  • GoG Stats:
    • Unlike Adventure and Time Challenge modes, Gates of Gog does not use your Artifacts. Instead, the formula for your GoG stats are based on hero items, charm levels, mine levels, and tavern levels. Hero evolution also matters, but will not show up on stats. The in game stats are occasionally broken so don't be worried.
  • Hero Items and Evolutions:
    • This isn't a GoG-only thing, but it's something that a lot of people miss. These bonuses are totaled from all heroes, including heroes you do not use, to give a global boost to all game modes making them a high priority. Hero evolutions, on the other hand, are hero specific and only affect that single heroes stats.
  • Mine Bonus:
    • Your Mines provide a boost to your stats in all game modes except seasons. Aeon and Scrap mines give gold bonuses and Token mine gives hero damage and hp bonuses. These are also high priority, but due to Aeon mine costing scrap, there is some leniency.
  • Charms:
    • A Charm is a special power-up card that can be used in the GoG only. There are three types: Red for Attack; Blue for Defense; and Green for Utility. Charms are individually leveled from 1-25. As you level up the charms, they will do two things for you:
      • Leveling up charms upgrades the power-up effect they give whether lower requirements, higher stats, or more of what they do. Not all charms get boosted equally so some are bad early, but amazing late into GoG.
      • Each level of charm increases the Charm Level bonus. Every charm level up boosts the corresponding stat by 15% per level multiplicatively (multiplies 1.15x every level). Charms boost as follows: red upgrade damage (hero and ring); blue upgrades hp; and green upgrades gold. You can see these bonuses at the top of the Charm screen.
  • Gate Effect:
    • A Gate Effect is a modifier that applies to the entire experience of that specific Gate. There is a list of 34 individual Effects which are combined on each gate up to a total of 3 Effects on a single gate. These effects work in the same way as season effects.
  • Aeon:
    • Aeon is the currency that's specifically for GoG, Mines, and Tavern. You earn it first through the Aeon mine, but after stage 700 you will unlock the ability to earn Aeon by playing GoG Gates you have previously beaten (with rare aeon bonuses from beating a gate). Aeon is used to upgrade Scrap and Token mines, Charms, and Tavern.
  • Charged Aeon
    • Charged Aeon is a are one-time power ups that give you a 6-times multiplier to normal Aeon earnings from playing a single gate. You earn a Charged Aeon about every 8 hours. They can be bought for gems, however, they are not worth the cost. The trick here is that you cannot choose to use them or not and will always use if one is available. Make sure you spend your charged aeon on the most rewarding unlocked gate.
  • Cursed Gate:
    • After beating Gate 20 in GoG, you unlock "Cursed Gates" which are a modified GoG game mode. These Cursed Gates reward Scrap instead of Aeon when played. They refresh on a timer of 4 hours up to a total of 8 at a time. A good portion of this guide will be dedicated to Cursed Gates, due to their importance and the reason why pushing max gates in GoG is inefficient.
    • Curses:
      • These are one component of what makes Cursed Gates different than normal Gates. A Curse is an extra negative Gate Effect that is added to the Gate on top of the normal effects. An important thing to remember is that as you kill enemies, curses grow stronger. You can dispel curses to lower their power level by 1 each time you dispel them. Dispelling each curse requires a unique feat, such as "Kill 6 enemies" or "Dodge 5 attacks", etc, but this is often ineffective or unneeded. For really bad curse combinations, it is recommended to reroll if needed.
  • "Gate Tier":
    • This is a term you will see on the GoG calculator often and is not an in-game term. The gates in Gates of Gog are not equal. Every 3 to 5 gates, the stats of the enemies will increase to a new order of magnitude, meaning they get progressively more difficult. To balance the game, heroes will start at one level higher to keep up with them (increasing cost to upgrade as well). Making the most out of farming GoG involves learning where you are in the gate tiers and making best use of that to your benefit, and avoiding pushing too far and getting punished for it. There is a more detailed explanation later in the guide.

Progressing Through the Gates of Gog

Starting Off in GoG

Upon unlocking GoG at stage 500 in adventure, you will be met with a set of tutorials by the narrator.

You start on Gate 1, and this unlocks a new menu at the bottom of the main screen for charms.

You begin the GoG game mode with 3 Charms of each type.

  1. Attack (Red) - Firery Fire, Power Overwhelming, and Bouncing Bolt
  2. Defense (Blue) - Spell Shield, Frosty Storm, and Apple a Day
  3. Utility (Green) - Special Delivery, Emergency Flute, and Lucrative Lightning

Unlocking a Charm by advancing gates adds it to your charm list at Level 1. You must spend both Scrap and Aeon to level them up.

Not all heroes are as good as other heroes in GoG and some are used for different situations. This also goes for the importance of a hero's evolution. The current rankings of hero evolution importance do not accurately reflect how good a hero is in GoG, but is a mere reference for how much they benefit from the evolution in GoG as well. For this reason, this will not be given here in the guide, but can be found in the Master data sheet on the GoG Calc if you do care.

The Second Team: Heroes of GoG

You'll probably notice fairly quickly that it's sometimes hard to get specific heroes to be freed up for a GoG gate. Heroes participating in Seasons, Adventure, Time Challenges, and/or Tavern cannot be used in GoG. Part of the challenge of progressing in GoG will be making sure you make the most of the remaining heroes. Tavern in the current state is relatively low priority so sacraficing the recommended hero to free a specific hero is a good idea.

Heroes typically used for other mods are Ron, Oy, V, Vexx, Nanna, Sam, and Jim with situational use from Boomer, Wendle, Belly, and Hilt. This leaves us with Lenny, Lia, Tam, Redroh, Arbara, Uno. The following list is the general ranking of heroes in GoG regardless of mode used, which thankfully shows the ability to run a wide variety without affecting other modes much or at all.

Uno Tier GoG Heroes (Speed Farming Exception)
  • The best speedfarming hero by a significant margin. Not only does he possess an ultimate with a cooldown of only 15sec, but that same ultimate is a waveclear ultimate. He also possesses a waveclear Right ability. He is the perfect hero for speedfarming aeon while replaying gates. Speedfarming is replaying gates normally but with intention to be fast / efficient for more resources / time.
    • When using cooldown reduction charms, you will often see after uno's ultimate finishes,if his Right ability is ready, it will play. It is best to let all the demons spawn and then restart the ultimate as it will be, on average, faster than ultimate immediately upon being available as triggering ultimate cancels his right ability triggering.
  • Uno is a solid B tier hero outside of this use for normal gate pushing and cursed gates. He has a niche use as a revive engine with his R1 skill, but due to the level/revive time scaling of GoG, this often is not a used niche if at all, but can be used with the "Call from the Grave" charm in a few select gates.
  • Uno skill priorities for speedfarming are ultimate, Right ability, R3 for better right ability, and your choice after. For normal gates, his priorities are the same with a preference for unlocking the left ability.
S Tier GoG Heroes (the best used in almost all gates)
  • Probably GoG's hardest hitter at the moment. She has lots of skills and abilities that make her a natural fit for the GoG.
  • Skill priority is her L4 skill, multi-shot, then anything to boost her damage / wave clearing abilities. If needed the right skill point tree has various survival skills with dodge, healing, and damage reduction. If you are under-leveled in health, or are against a damage intensive gate (such as Reflect gates or 500% damage gates), she may be up for replacement with a tankier GoG hero.
Kind Lenny
  • If Lia is the queen of GoG, Lenny is its king. His extremely high health to damage ratio makes him the perfect fit for many of the toughest gates (such as Reflect gates or 500% damage gates).
  • His main skills are his right ability waveclear, damage skills on left and right tree, ultimate ability, and additional health buff with use of heal as a single point unlock. He benefits from remaining damage skills including R2 as a single point unlock which is unlocked naturally for his main skills.
A Tier (will carry you through most gates)
Sam (when available)
  • A hero based not around personal damage, but using other's damage to his advantage while healing, shielding, and increasing gold. He is the best hero in the game for damage intensive gates (such as Reflect gates or 500% damage gates) and fits in for most other gates.
  • Sam's skill priority is to put one point into unlocking L3 passive if healing is needed, unlock his R2 passive for shielding + reflect for little investment, max his L2 team dmg retaliation skill, max his ultimate for team dmg w/ invulnerability. After this, you can choose to upgrade his R3 or L1 skill for hp + soft taunt or gold increase. Rest of skill points go to preference (keep LA at 1 if possible) as sam doesn't have any bad skills.
Vexx (when available)
  • Vexx is one of the most versatile heroe in the game. She packs a large gold boost and ramping damage with an ultimate specializing in waveclear. She is a solid GoG hero to bring in a lot of situations.
  • Her skills are prioritized by gold skill (L2), left ability, and cost reduction (R4). She also gets a lot of use from base unlocks of mad girl (R2) and forge (L3) as they give an easy damage buff for low points. Her gold skill (L2) does not need to be maxed and at the first 20-40 GoG gates, you can simply unlock it and let her 3rd item be the initial points. If her item is low, then you should put some points into this, but due to being a top hero in all modes, her items are high priority. This will begin to be leveled up as you progress further into gog.
Hilt (when available)
  • Amazingly handy fellow to add to the GoG team roster. He draws value from high attack speed and flat dodge skill. Does not deal as much damage as other heroes such as Vexx, Lenny, and Lia, but he is more useful on specific gates (dodge gates) and cursed gates.
  • His main skills are his entire left skill tree along with dodge skill and 3rd right passive which reduces his right ability cooldown each dodge (with extra skill points).
Boomer (normally available)
  • On top of being great waveclear utility with aoe damage on every attack, Boomer fits a special niche for gates that have 10% gold on stun. Boomer possesses a gold buffing skill (L1) when he crits it increases gold dropped. This pairs with his R1 which stuns on any crit meaning both a gold boost and a stun for the gate effect which results in a large gold gain. He is also a good hero for gates where revive time is a major problem as he has built in revive reduction with his R2 and immunity after ultimate with L2. This niche does not define him, however, and only serves to make him better.
  • General Skill priorities are Right ability, R3, Left ability unlock, and L4 (at least unlock). For revive gates, R1, R2, and L2 have higher priority for unlock. For 10% gold on stun gates, R1 and L1 are prioritized if skill points allow. Boomer also have use with R4 with cooldown reduction on ally revive for both heroes, but this is not a large influence in GoG normally, but is good with additional points for a 1 point unlock.
  • Wendle has a built in waveclear right ability that cooldown can reset for every wave beaten. This is best used for longer gates. Otherwise he does have built in cost reduction and a double attack.
  • Skill priority is right skill max, R4 for double attack, R2 for reset right ability, L3 for cost reduction, then R1 and L2. If the gate is short and/or lower gates for less skill points, it is wise to put points into R4 and L3 for double attack and cost reduction before the other skills listed.
B Tier (useful in many gates)
  • Redroh is a great team member to have available because of three very useful skills he possesses which allows him to fill a situationally nessesary niche as a gold generator and occasionally a damage buff for treasure chest gates.
  • Redroh main priorities are his left ability, L3 skill reducing cooldown of left ability, and his active. If the gate is a treasure chest gate with 3+ heroes, then his L1 passive to increase damage to treasure chests is his main priority. This does not apply to 1 hero gates with chests where you will bring another hero. After this, it is up to you for skills, but generally if he is dying a lot (which happens less at higher gates due to higher revive), then his L4 passive for death gold is a good addition. It is a good single point unlock either way. Otherwise, his right skill tree is open with various buffs such as blind % per wave and damage to blinded enemies.
  • Belly is nor a normally used hero in gog, but is another niche hero. For gates with 10% health converted to damage, he is one of the strongest damage dealers. For gates with revive problems, he has use for his revive reduction when hit (which pairs with his taunt). He has little to no use outside of this.
  • Skill priority for 10% health to damage gates he should prioritize L4 and R1 with a 1 point unlock in R2 and R3. You should then focus his ultimate, then preference after. Skill priority for revive gates, you should prioritize R4, R2, and L4 before moving onto L4 and L2. Getting one point in L4 and L2 early can help if you are lacking skill points.
C Tier (not that helpful)
Everyone Else
  • They either cannot beat the above heroes, or their skillset does not work for GoG.
  • Common example is Arbara, who despite having a skillset which is perfect for GoG, has flaws due to needing far too much time to heal and cannot perform well enough to ever be chosen without being forced to be picked.

Using the Tools of GoG to Your Advantage

As you progress in gog and unlock more charms, you will notice certain charm pairs worth better than others, some charms get better as you progress, and some charms become less impactful.

Charm Scaling Examples

The main charms more prevalent with more levels:

  • Vengeful Sparks, Endless Sparks, Emergency Flute, Quackatoa, Body Block, Berserk, Thirsting Fiends, Hex Breaker, and Bouncing Bolt
    • all of these have reduced requirements as well as stronger effects

The main charms less prevalent with more levels:

  • Quick Study, Apple a Day, Fiery Fire, Explosive Energy, and Guided Strike
    • All of these charms are good to really good when unlocked, but don't scale requirements, don't scale their buff enough, or aren't useful anymore. Ex: Once you have enough skill points, you don't need Quick Study

Charm Cycles and Pairings

A charm cycle is a pair or group of charms that when used properly together will result in them feeding each other (and potentially other charms). The three examples below are the 3 most well known and/or popular charm cycles in GoG over the previous years.

  1. Charm Battery:
    1. The most powerful charm cycle is the Charm Battery. It can only be done at level 18-20+ vengeful sparks and Endless sparks, but can be inconsistent until near maxed. The perfect battery consists of 3 endless sparks and 2 vengeful sparks, but is initially setup with 1 vengeful sparks and 2 endless sparks. The more other charms you add, the more you may have to add vengeful sparks, but doesn't normally happen outside of long gates.
    2. It works by Vengeful Sparks triggering and then hitting endless sparks with the boost. Endless Sparks will then trigger and increase all charm progress in the process (including Vengeful Sparks). The high level requirement is due to requirements lowering on Vengeful Sparks as well as the boost given by both Vengeful Sparks and Endless Sparks increasing.
    3. Each charm is great on its own as well without battery use as it requires setup and/or luck. Both charms each have relatively small requirements for a great boost at higher levels. Battery is most useful for passing a tough Gate higher in GoG and in Cursed Gates to clear a wider variety of curse combinations.
  2. Death Engine:
    1. This combination is a great way to revive your heroes easily as well as gaining significant levels of cost reduction from dying at the same time. The combination is formed by Call From The Grave and Grim Rewards. This combo works best when you are dying a significant amount due to a high damage gate or a bad curse combination. This curse must be used sparingly as you can very easily overpush and ignore health more than you should by using this charm cycle.
    2. You only need 1 of each to set this up at higher levels of Call From The Grave, however, the lower level the charm is, the more of that same charm you will need to fully revive. You also need less of this charm with more heroes because it triggers off every death. This set works for all Gates after you unlock Grim rewards at 54, but requirements to pull off change.
    3. Grim rewards will multiplicatively stack the cost reduction for each trigger. This can end up with far below 1% of cost needed to level up if it is triggered enough at a high enough level. Both charms are good for gates where you die a lot seperately, but since they are most used on the same gates, they are a relatively easy charm cycle to pull off.
  3. Ducks, Fireworks, and Demons:
    1. This combination is a grandfathered strat that is not as commonly used as it once was. However, this when pulled off will still result in a lot of damage output. The combination is centered around Quackatoa and Bootleg Fireworks, but is both more consistent and lethal with Thirsting Fiends added in. The repeated stuns from triggering quackatoa will trigger Bootleg Fireworks and deal damage. Both of these will help trigger Thirsting Fiends and Quackatoa again and repeat the cycle
    2. This does require a few additional steps to pull off due to charm activation requirements. You can either stack multiple of the 3 charms listed above so that they will activate more and cycle better, add in at least one Sparks charm and potentially the charm battery listed above, bring stun heroes like hilt or boomer, or have multiple other charms that have low requirements and are easy to activate.
    3. This cycle can be paired with Loose Lessons for more stuns and more bootleg firework triggers, however, due to it being triggered form health restored, it is not apart of the official cycle but as a supplement.
  4. Notable Mention: Golden Daggers
    1. Wealth from Above and Special Delivery can both be used to trigger rusty daggers quicker and easier. These do not synergize other than this triggering however. Special Delivery gets a lot better at higher levels due to requirement dropping all the way down to 15% and thus more triggers. Wealth From Above does not get much easier to trigger as you progress, but it does increase the total amount of coins dropped up to 19 coins of which allows for more counts to Rusty Dagger Triggers. This makes this easier to pull off at higher levels as well.

A large amount of charms, you will get a feel for as you progress and be able to form your own personalized strategies for choices. The above is merely a reference for the general trends / strategies that are widely popular.

Individual Heroes tailor to different charms more or less due to their particular abilities, but in general, these pairings only matter in cursed gates. You can increase chances of getting a good charm by bringing a hero who can dodge, stun, and heal while being a good GoG hero. Many top Gog heroes satisfy multiple of these, but some aren't equal. Sam can stun on his left ability, but it is cooldown based and not as easy when compared to Boomer for example. You should never have to stray from the normal gog heroes to choose, for example, nanna for stun and her couple team buffs as long as you follow the Gate Tiers and level stats before moving on.

Merchant Items

It is normal when you are doing a difficult gate to buy some items. This also allows for easier setup for some of the charm cycles listed above and your preferred strategies. This can make-or-break really difficult gates if you choose well and use them effectively.

The best choices are often the Pick-a-Charm due to you get to well, choose the charm instead of relying on luck. Afterwards, Emergency Charm is a common pick as well. If it is a longer gate, then more variety will help with overall luck, but is not necessary normally. Charm Catalyst is an amazing merchant item for either starting up a charm cycle, get more charm activations that you are needing (such as for a charm lose progress effect), or for a few niche uses.

One of these niche uses is on a no gold gate (or in general when you need the early gold), you can use Pick-a-Charm for Wealth from above, then Charm Catalyst for not only a lot of gold immediately at the start of a gate, but also the Charm Catalyst only increasing Wealth From Above's progress which results in even more gold. This is also the quickest way to get gold from the start of a gate outside of redroh, but it skips needing redroh in place of another hero. This helps most on short gates as for later gates, waiting for the 25s to activate gold steal is not much.

Opinions on the merchant item Aeon Love range slightly, but the general agreement is that it is not worth. It is a really expensive way to gain aeon in terms of the token needed. If used, this should only be used with an Aeon Charge to maximize cost vs gain.

Trinkets in GoG

Trinkets are not as prevalent and important in GoG as they used to be due to buffs to mines, new mines, and tavern. There are two main artifacts of which both are almost completely outdated. They are mentioned as an option if people really want it. If you are to build either trinket, Lenny's trinket is far more useful in GoG even if this use is minor.

The main reason these are basically outdated is due to stat gains since the time the original GoG trinkets. An up to 150% gold gain from tavern, x175 gold from Aeon mine, and tavern/scrap mine levels increasing from 50 to 60 (100x→175x) ended up bringing the initial challenge and true endgame mode of Almost a Hero down to a much easier stroll through a peaceful garden.

Lenny's Trinket

Team HP - Gold when survive 13 hits - Gold Steal

The original trinket boasted a self hp instead of Team hp effect. However, due to there being very few solo gates where this is useful as most are team gates, team hp is the better effect. The purpose of this trinket is mainly as both a normal gold source but also as a gold source on no gold gates and to ease the load off from cursed gates.

This effect can also be achieved by bringing redroh and/or a normal gold steal/gold bleed trinket into the gate to some extent for the gold.

Lia's Trinket

Att Spd - nothing - Att Spd

shield on attack can be used for the 2nd effect, but due to shielding charms becoming more prevalent in later GoG gates and shield heroes such as sam being more commonly used, this is not needed and cheaper to make.

This trinket used to be paired with stun on attack for the 2nd effect to give lia a stun source for charm pairings/cycles, but this is never useful anymore and only makes the trinket more expensive to craft. This trinket pair's with lia's natural attack speed based damage to make her more lethal as a killing machine.

This can be replaced by the boomer trinket from the current Adventure Stun Meta (if you choose that adventure trinket set). It is not a perfect match, but will make about the same amount of impact due to the small impact it has in the first place.

How to Advance in GoG Efficiently

The Basics: YOLO - "You Only Level Once"

The way that GoG gates are balanced, our heroes start out at progressively higher levels to keep up with enemy difficulty. This is to keep a general rule true throughout the game mode - to defeat the gate, you should need no more than a single level up (less is okay too). However, when this was balanced compared to today, today is easier to push. This naturally divides the gates into sections known as "Gate Tiers". This is a natural reflection of the difficulty of those gates, and changes every 3-to-5 gates (no less than 3, no more than 5).

Each additional level also means higher gold cost to get to the next level and higher. This does not mean only gold matters as without damage and health, your ability to clear will not scale with the enemy/gate difficulty increase. The general rule of thumb above is still applicable now, however, and you will progress faster between Gate Tiers not more Gate Tiers.

GoG Balance Overview

(skip if you aren't really interested in the details)

Here is the best understanding of how GoG is balanced:

  • Hero Level is a tiered curve, with major spikes in damage and health at each level up. This forces you to gain new levels to get large damage and health gain.
  • Enemy Power is an exponential curve, with no major spikes of the same kind. Which means, every so often, enemy power (damage, health, and gold reward) will transfer to a new order of magnitude.

Every 3-to-5 gates, the starting hero level of the gate will advance by one. This coincides with a significant increase in Enemy Power and results in a Gate Tier. This means you need to use your GoG stats to keep up with the advances in Enemy Power or will get punished for having low stats.

Cursed Gate Balance

Cursed Gates inherit the starting hero level of your highest cleared gate. This also means it will balance the enemy power accordingly to each mode of Cursed Gates.

However, enemy power is weakened in Cursed Gates on Normal mode. The enemy power is roughly equivalent to the enemy difficulty from your highest stage down -1 to -1.5 starting hero levels (approximately 3-7 gates before worth of difficulty). In normal mode on Cursed Gates, you won't feel too much pressure from advancing too far in your normal gates unless severely over pushed.

When you select Hard Mode for your Cursed Gates, it has two major impacts on difficulty:

  1. Curses increase in level faster than in Normal Mode
  2. Enemy Power is increased above normal by roughly +1 Starting Hero Level. (Remember Normal Mode is reduced by -1 to -1.5 levels, so this is actually two full tiers of difficulty higher)

The best strategy is to have Global Stats strong enough for a whole level beyond your current Normal Gate progress if you aim to farm on Hard Mode. Farming on Hard Mode matters because it gives a 50% increase (1.5x) to the scrap income earned from Normal Mode.

Putting GoG Balance Into Practice

The goal is to make as much scrap as you possibly can, playing the way that you want to play.

There are three levels of scrap farming:

  1. Clearing Cursed Gates on Normal Mode:
    1. For this approach, you can pretty much ignore the general balancing for your progression. Be warned. The first time you play a new Cursed Gate that spawns at new higher difficulty level, you may struggle with it for a day or two until you boost your stats to the point where it's easier to handle.
  2. Clearing Cursed Gates on Hard Mode with the lowest possible stats:
    1. This is the most challenging approach and not recommended for the faint of heart. You will get stuck on Cursed Gates more often than you would like. But it is very possible to do this.
  3. Clearing Cursed Gates on Hard Mode with Farming Ease:
    1. This is the maximum scrap farming strategy. This is done by making sure your stats match the increased difficulty of Cursed Gates on Hard Mode.

Almost A GoG Calculator

The Almost A GoG Calculator Version 6.0 is made so that you know what stats you need in GoG to progress to the next Gate Tier for all three of those playstyles. This is a vital tool with initial setup, but will become your best friend for GoG progression.

How to Set Up the Calculator

First you need to create your own copy of the calculator. You can do this by clicking File > Make a Copy. If you're on Mobile, click the triple dots > Share & Export > Make a Copy. Now you have your own copy to play with.

Fill in the Dashboard sheet first. If you keep the "Input Highlights" field on, all the inputs are in teal so you know what you will need to fill in. This is the recommended setting until familiar with the sheet.

Turn Spoilers to "On" if you don't care about having advanced knowledge of things to come, but feel free to use the sheet with them "Off" and it will not give any spoilers too soon.

Clear stats from the sheet are based on having a certain hero evolution so progressing with minimil evolutions can be detrimental or more challenging than expected.

So, What Can the Calculator Tell Me?

  1. Info about the next gate, including the stats recommended to clear it, its rewards, etc.
  2. Info about the effects on gates, including which stats are most important for clearing a gate based on its Gate Effects and the recommended heroes with choice priority
  3. How far you can or should push, based on how much you scrap you want to farm chosen from the input mode corresponding to the three playstyles above
  4. What's the most efficient use of your Aeon, Scrap, and Tokens in terms of upgrading for both the primary upgrade and the secondary upgrade that doesn't impact the primary upgrade's process.
  5. How much of each currency you'll need to get the next upgrade, balance stats, or max out your upgrades, and how long that should take
  6. The farming stats needed for any given gate
  7. Your best farming gates (for using charges, and for regular farming)
  8. And more!

Note: The recommended upgrade is specifically tailored to GoG. This means it might not be the best upgrade for your overall account, but be the best upgrade for your GoG progression

Hopefully the calculator is easy enough to get used to after you play around with it a bit, but you can always reach out here or on Discord to ask for advice or help.