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Uno is unlocked at stage 1210 in Adventure Mode.


Uno has always just been another Magolis to everyone but his family. He resented being ignored by the other Magolis because his family made him feel like he was THE most important thing in creation. He always felt EVERYONE should treat him with the same respect. This feeling of being important made him a little arrogant.
Then everything changed.
The war with the Green Man has claimed losses on both sides and Uno’s family home was left destroyed and the family gone, presumed dead. Uno had no one to massage his ego so he left the Magolis in search of a new family to make him feel special.
He met a Healer who convinced him the Green Man’s good army could be his new family. And because he is a Magolis and has powerful magic he is almost a hero to his new family. Uno saw the admiration in their eyes, so he joined them and the good fight. He is a little bit MORE arrogant these days.


A Magolis of little consequence, but very important to his family. Now they have all gone he misses being the special little boy and joins the good guys.



Name Information Cooldown Max Level
Ultimate Dark Ritual* Drains 5% health from all allies each second, does 40% (+15%) damage to all enemies for each percentage drained. Can be canceled. 15 Seconds 9
Left Ability Demonic swarm Sacrifices 75% of Uno’s health to summon a flock of 5 demons which attack for 600% (+100%) damage each. (Max active demons: 24) 60 Seconds 5
Right Ability Regret Sacrifices 30% of random ally’s health to gain 60% (+30%) damage bonus for 10s. Ally regains health during this time. Damage dealt to allies ignores shield and damage reduction. 75s (-5s) cooldown 9

*Ultimate ability. Must be used manually.


Left Passives
Name Unlock Information Max Level
Soul Sacrifice Level 4 On death, reduces the active revive timers of all dead heroes by 6s (+1s) 10*
Old Habits Level 6 When an ally dies, increases Uno’s damage by 40% (+10%) for 8s (+2s). Max duration: 90s. 6*
Legion Level 9 Increases number of demons in ‘Demonic Swarm’ by 1 (+1) 7
Warmer Swarm Level 10 Reduces the health cost of ‘Demonic Swarm’ by 24% (+6%) 7
Right Passives
Name Unlock Information Max Level
Terrorizer Level 4 Attacks against Uno have a 30% (+10%) chance of instilling fear, blinding the attacker for 6s (+1s) (increases their miss chance by 30% (+5%)) 5
Reflective Wards Level 6 66% (+2%) chance for 39% (+3%) of damage taken to be dealt to a random ally instead. 12*
Feeling Better Level 9 When an ally revives, Uno gains a shield for 15% (+5%) of his own health 6
Power Hungry Level 12 ‘Dark ritual’ deals 40% more damage always 13

*Can be improved by 6 more levels with equipment


Name Bonus Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Mythical
Gold Amulet Gold +10% +25% +100% +250% +1000% +2000%
Old Habits skill points +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Friendly Skull Health +10% +25% +100% +250% +1000% +2000%
Soul Sacrifice skill points +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Vial of Vileness Damage +10% +25% +100% +250% +1000% +2000%
Reflective Wards skill points +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6


Evo Outfits

Name Requirements
Original Uno Always unlocked
Common Uno Evolve Uno to Common
Uncommon Uno Evolve Uno to Uncommon
Rare Uno Evolve Uno to Rare
Epic Uno Evolve Uno to Epic
Legendary Uno Evolve Uno to Legendary
Mythical Uno Evolve Uno to Mythical

Special Outfits

Name Related Event Requirements Cost
Inoffensive Uno ~ Evolve hero to Common 500 gems
Count Uno ~ Evolve hero to Rare 1500 gems
Fighter Uno ~ Evolve hero to Epic 1000 gems
Runolph Wintertide Evolve hero to common
(no requirements if Wintertide is active)
2.6K gems
(16.0K candies if Wintertide is active)
Unvisible Halloween Evolve hero to legendary
(no requirements if Halloween is active)
2K gems
(16.0K candies if Halloween is active)
Strongman Uno ~ ?? 2000 gems
Assassin Uno ?? ?? 2000 gems

Uno's outfits, items, etc on the official website